How to print your Windows screen.
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Have you ever tried to capture your Windows screen and print it? Most people have
realized that the "Print Scrn" button doesn't work like it did when they used it
in DOS.
Here is how easy you can do it.
- Press (only) the "Print Scrn" button. This puts the image of your screen on
your clipboard.
- If you want to print the image of the screen you have just captured, click your "Start"
button and click "Run", from the "start" menu. When the
"Run" box appears, (without the quotes), type "mspaint" and press
"Enter" or click the "OK" button.
- When "Paint" opens, choose "Edit" from the top menu.
- From the "Edit" menu, choose "Paste". The image appears in your
"Paint" program.
- You can now Edit, Save or Print the image that appears in your "Paint" window.
(If you save the image, it will be saved in Bitmap Format.)
- To edit the image, or save it in a different format (to save disk space), I use Paint
Shop Pro. Paint Shop Pro is the most user-friendly photo editor that I have ever used. A
FREE evaluation copy of Paint Shop Pro can be downloaded by just clicking this link TUCOWS .
Description: Paint Shop Pro is the latest version of this easy-to-use
popular graphics editor, with powerful new features such as complete layer support,
Picture Tube brushes, CMYK separations and pressure-sensitive tablet support. Also
includes enhancements to Paint Shop Pro's flexible painting and
retouching brushes, adjustable cropping and selection tools, and image enhancements.
File Name: psp700ev.exe Byte Size: 32.1 MB
- Follow step #1 (above) to capture your image of the screen and from the "Edit"
menu in Paint Shop Pro, choose "Paste as new image" . The image appears as a
Paint Shop Pro image, and from there you can crop, resize or edit it that image to your
heart's content.
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